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Мы в соцсетях:

Conversion Strategist

Вакансия № 13141055 от компании ООО Ecentria Solutions Odessa в населенном пункте (городе) Одесса на Мультирегиональной Электронной Службе Занятости Населения.

☑ Основы вакансии:

Опыт работы: 1–3 года.

Тип занятости: полная занятость.

График работы: полный день.

Зарплата: по результату собеседования.

Место работы (точный адрес): Украина, Одесса, Среднефонтанская улица, 19А.

☑ Актуальность объявления:

Это объявление № 13141055 добавлено в базу данных: Воскресенье, 12 мая 2024 года.

Дата его обновления на этом интернет-ресурсе: Понедельник, 3 июня 2024 года.

☑ Статистика объявления № 13141055:

Прочитано соискателями - 93 раз(а);
Отправлено откликов - 0 раз(а);

☑ Репутация компании "ООО Ecentria Solutions Odessa":

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☑ Подробности о вакантном месте:

The Conversion Strategist is responsible for driving incremental performance of our ecommerce platform through careful analysis utilizing our web analytics, providing recommendations based on best practices, and designing, prioritizing, and executing on A/B testing. In this position, the employee will be charged with the ongoing assignment of identifying opportunities to improve KPIs across the most impactful avenues (including technology, acquisition channels, and key conversion funnels.)

Primary Duties & Responsibilities:

· Planning, orchestrating and analyzing A/B tests using Google Optimize 360, designed to improve upon key website performance indicators (such as conversion rate, revenue, and other important metrics)

· Monitoring web analytics using Google Analytics 360 for performance across KPIs

· Ensure integrity of tracking across the platform, testing and ensuring all tagging functionality is operating properly using Google Tag Manager 360

· Providing guidance and training on the usage of web analytics for business units throughout the company, including on new features, technologies, and best practices

· Serving as a subject matter expert for analytics usage and deployment, and helping foster the culture of detailed analysis within the company

· Identifying issues with performance across various dimensions and providing information necessary to resolve

· Creating ad hoc reports as needed

· Creating and maintaining dashboards for KPIs specific to different business groups

· Continuous auditing of performance across various dimensions, identifying trends material to website performance, and working with functional teams to determine underlying causes and effects

· Benchmarking performance across comparable websites


· One year minimum experience in Conversion Analysis/Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) – including A/B testing operations (experiment design, execution and analysis/reporting for stakeholders), measuring and analyzing key performance metrics, and providing actionable business intelligence

· Proficiency in utilizing Google Analytics & Microsoft Excel required

· Proficiency in English language (written and spoken) and experience working with English-only companies and clients

· Strong understanding of statistics and statistical methods required

· Splunk expertise a major plus

· Experience in Online Marketing, Ecommerce, and/or HTML/CSS a major plus

· Experience in UX/UX Research a major plus

· Positive attitude, strong work ethic and ability to work in a fast-paced environment

· Ability to work in multiple cross-functional teams, providing leadership or support when needed

· Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

☑ О компании:

Обратите внимание на веб-сайт компании - https://ecentria.com/ - с подробной информацией об организации, в том числе контактными телефонами.

Логотип (эмблема, торговая марка, бренд) компании:
Логотип (торговая марка, бренд, эмблема) ООО Ecentria Solutions Odessa

Сфера деятельности компании: Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет; .

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