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Мы в соцсетях:

Marketing Reporting Specialist

Вакансия № 12346050 от компании ООО Ecentria Solutions Odessa в населенном пункте (городе) Одесса на Мультирегиональной Электронной Службе Занятости Населения.

☑ Основы вакансии:

Опыт работы: 1–3 года.

Тип занятости: полная занятость.

График работы: полный день.

Зарплата: по результату собеседования.

Место работы (точный адрес): Украина, Одесса, Среднефонтанская улица, 19А.

☑ Актуальность объявления:

Это объявление № 12346050 добавлено в базу данных: Суббота, 4 мая 2024 года.

Дата его обновления на этом интернет-ресурсе: Понедельник, 3 июня 2024 года.

☑ Статистика объявления № 12346050:

Прочитано соискателями - 79 раз(а);
Отправлено откликов - 0 раз(а);

☑ Репутация компании "ООО Ecentria Solutions Odessa":

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☑ Подробности о вакантном месте:

Our marketing team runs lots of marketing campaigns through lots of channels like Google, Facebook, e-mail, push notifications, etc. We need to analyze the results, understand cause and effect. Markteing Reporting Specialist will provide our teams with reports, insights and will help us to make our business even more efficient.

So, the objective for this role is running reports for various marketing teams across a wide array of platforms (email marketing, ppc, social, SEO, etc.)


• Work with different digital marketing teams from US

• Learn about different eCommerce marketing strategies and their effectiveness

• Learn and over time contribute by identifying trends, patterns, and opportunities

• Develop expertise in a niche area of digital marketing and possibly take on a full time role assisting a specific team (i.e. SEO analyst role)

Basic requirements:

• Attention to details. This role imply extreme attentiveness and details oriented mind.

• Perfectionism. We assume that you are not tolerate to any kind of misprints and negligence

• Self discipline. There are lots of duties with different timelines, you should be able to avoid rush and delays.

• Responsibility. Lots of our teammates depend on high quality data and reports. Our business will not be able to make proper decisions in case of lateness or inaccuracy.

• Rationality. Strong desire to automate daily routines, intolerance to inefficient actions

• Self learning. We expect that our new teammate will boost our marketing productivity in a very short terms. Also it’s a perfect way grow your career in e-commerce industry.

Professional requirements:

• Work experience - at least 1 year, office experience preferred

• Intermediate to expert level excel, professional certificates are welcome.

• Understanding of digital marketing principles and performance metrics (CVR, Revenue, Margin, CTR, etc.)

• Experience with Google Analytics. Other analytics systems knowledge is a plus

• Familiarity with common eCommerce marketing channels & ability to learn quickly

• Ability to analyze and understand business problems

• English level: upper intermediate both spoken and in writing

• Familiarity with Google Analytics or other eCommerce reporting platforms is a huge plus

• Experience with Jira or any other task management system is a plus.

• Experience SQL & Big Query is a plus

Main duties:

• Data gathering in excel from different platforms

• Data manipulation & graphical representation

• Data analysis and identification of trends & opportunities

• Constant self-learning and improvements of reports and data tools.

• Collaboration with different marketing teams over different communication channels

We offer:

• Excellent working conditions

• Powerful hardware, best software/tools

• Great agile teams of talented developers

• Large international projects

• Flexible working schedule

• Competitive salary, yearly reviewed, possibilities of growth

☑ О компании:

Обратите внимание на веб-сайт компании - https://ecentria.com/ - с подробной информацией об организации, в том числе контактными телефонами.

Логотип (эмблема, торговая марка, бренд) компании:
Логотип (торговая марка, бренд, эмблема) ООО Ecentria Solutions Odessa

Сфера деятельности компании: Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет; .

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