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Data Science Trainee

Вакансия № 29056683 от компании ООО EPAM Uzbekistan в населенном пункте (городе) Чирчик на Мультирегиональной Электронной Службе Занятости Населения.

☑ Основы вакансии:

Опыт работы: не требуется.

Тип занятости: стажировка.

График работы: полный день.

Зарплата: по результату собеседования.

Примерное место работы: Узбекистан, Чирчик.

☑ Актуальность объявления:

Это объявление № 29056683 добавлено в базу данных: Суббота, 11 мая 2024 года.

Дата его обновления на этом интернет-ресурсе: Понедельник, 3 июня 2024 года.

☑ Статистика объявления № 29056683:

Прочитано соискателями - 8 раз(а);
Отправлено откликов - 0 раз(а);

☑ Репутация компании "ООО EPAM Uzbekistan":

Читайте свежие отзывы сотрудников об этом работодателе здесь!

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☑ Подробности о вакантном месте:

Striving to gain market-oriented knowledge and skills to jumpstart your career in IT? Apply for this training program and shape your professional path with EPAM experts.


If you are eager to thrive in the data-driven world and master one of the most trending professions, then this expert-led program is what you need.

For 3 months of intensive learning, you will explore self-study materials, complete tasks and engage with mentors at Q&A sessions.

By participating, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Gain a strong foundation in software engineering
  • Dive deep into statistics and data analysis
  • Learn regression, classification and clustering techniques
  • Explore deep learning and neural network basics

If you show good results and successfully pass a technical interview, you can join the next stage and immerse into one of the mentoring programs: Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing or ML Engineering.

What will you learn?

  • Our training program embraces two stages, offering an enriching learning experience.

    Stage 1 – 3 months. With ~15 hours of weekly engagement, you will master the following topics:

  • Basic Engineering
  • Basic Statistics
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Regression
  • Classification
  • Clustering
  • Deep Learning Foundation
  • Business + Advanced Data Science Overview
  • Basic Machine Learning Engineering (MLE)
  • Upon completion, you will have a final project and be invited to a technical interview. If you pass them successfully and show good results in the first training stage, you can join the next one.

    ?Stage 2 – 3.5 months. You will immerse into one of the mentoring programs, requiring ~30 hours of weekly engagement:

  • Computer Vision
  • Natural Language Processing
  • ML Engineering
  • Upon finishing the entire program, you will undergo a concluding technical interview, after which you can pursue your career path aligned with your demonstrated skills and the available opportunities within EPAM.

What is required to be elligible for this training

  • Proficiency in mathematical analysis (main topics of derivatives, integrals, extrema of functions in multidimensional real space)
  • Skills in linear algebra (vectors, matrices, tensors, operations with them, linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, quadratic forms)
  • Knowledge of probability theory (definition of probability, conditional probability, Bayes theorem, expectation)
  • Command of statistics (basic concepts, hypothesis testing, concept of likelihood, estimation of distribution parameter)
  • Understanding of optimization theory (basic optimization concepts and methods: stationary points, Lagrange multipliers, gradient descent)
  • Knowledge of algorithms and data structures (basic data structures, sorting algorithms, algorithm complexity)
  • Skills in Python (particularly in Pandas and NumPy libraries)
  • English level from B2 (Upper-Intermediate) and higher


Register for the training by following this link: training.epam.uz/en/training/3717

☑ О компании:

Обратите внимание на веб-сайт компании - http://www.epam.com - с подробной информацией об организации, в том числе контактными телефонами.

Логотип (эмблема, торговая марка, бренд) компании:
Логотип (торговая марка, бренд, эмблема) ООО EPAM Uzbekistan

Сфера деятельности компании: Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет; .

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